Monday, March 21, 2011

My name in the clouds

Dear WEb,

Well, I have to just tell this because it is so stunning. It's the thing many of us crave--a sign from Spirit that is unmistakable.

I was driving on the highway to see C. for a session. Nothing in particular in my mind. Listening to the radio. Mulling over some things from the weekend, probably (which deserve some recording here, but cannot now.). I look to my left, across the highway to the sky and there is my name written in clouds. I know, I know. You might be thinking that these clouds just LOOKED LIKE my name. No. It was not like that. None of the letters looked like they might be something else. They were printed letters clearly formed into my name complete with correct capitalization of the first letter. There were no other clouds near by. Just these letters. For real.

So, I believed then and now that this simply means that there is much witnessing me right now through all I am grappling with and continue to grapple with. That there are forces larger than my pea brain taking shape around me. That I am being reflected somehow by forces larger than I could control. That I am Seen right where I am.

Whew. Cannot write anymore right now about it. And right now, suddenly the wind has picked up from the West. Is howling against my left side at that window. Whew. I hear You! I hear You.

Thank you for Hearing/Seeing me through.

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