Friday, March 11, 2011

Gift of Life on 3-11-11

Dear WEb,
I am quite tired and want to go to sleep. Have had a big day on this eleventh day of the third month of the 11th year of the new millennia. It is my 44th birthday. And the day has been full of such love from those who love me so. I've felt it. And even more particularly, I've felt the Essence of what they have gifted me: Life. They give me Life back in a way I've not experienced this past year. It's the most precious feeling to feel the Life Force from one who loves me. Truly precious. And it began the day and eve before my birthday. I believe that that was essential on levels I don't quite understand. Something I do understand about it from a biographical perspective is that this last year has been so hard, so horrendously hard that I think it was vital that I feel that Life Force the day and evening before the anniversary of my birth. Almost like I needed that/those flushes of Life Force to sustain the final journey/return out from such depths of loss and despair.

So this is an Honoring of yesterday and today when particularly both A. and J. and so many others helped infuse me with the Life Force again. Thank you, dear wimmin. Thank you. I accept your Love.

And gift you mine.
And so it is on 3-11-11.

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