Dear Web,
Reporting a sweet sign, some call it synchronicity, others a coincidence, and still others say 'wishful thinking':
Every now and then I will work with groomers I know and bathe the dogs for them. This is lovely work most of the time. Today was one of those days. I spotted Roxie the moment I came in. She was in charge, keeping tabs on the smaller dogs who would occasionally get into a scuffle, sniffing the groomers' lunch bags, and looking for anything interesting to explore. She was confident and social, maintained a wide scope of attention while at the same time could hone in and absorb one-on-one attention. When it was her time to be bathed, I approached her and noticed a ridge line down her snout. When I commented, one of my friends/groomers joked, "Oh, yeh, she's a Rhodesian Ridge back." She laughed at herself and told me those really do exist. It was weird, my internal response...I went somewhere else, though I could not tell where. I nodded and probably said something, but I was gone. Not until I had Roxie in the tub did I come back with a consciousness of where I went.
Years ago Phoenix and I lived by the ocean for three months together. It was an amazing opportunity! One day on the beach which we walked together twice a day, these two guys came up to me and asked me about Phoenix. People would often comment at his unusual appearance and many want to know what his breed is. I always would respond with the truth: "He's a mixture. Your guess is as good as any." These two guys were from Africa and they said that he looked so much like a Rhodesian Ridge back. They were very good with Phoenix, seemed to understand him and his quirkiness. They didn't try to engage with him, they let him approach. Anyway, that day, when they walked away, I remember feeling like they really appreciated Phoenix and I felt so, so,....proud, is the only word I have for it. I felt proud and happy to have others have such admiration and high regard for my beloved companion.
So, I'd totally forgotten about that day until my friend's comment. And even then, the memory was so faint that my mind hadn't registered. While I was bathing Roxie, I began to feel how solid her body is, strong and solid. Her fur felt familiar and her deep brown eyes felt so comforting and I began to cry without much recognition of why. Then the memory came; my mind caught up to what my emotional body already knew: Rhodesian Ridge back, Phoenix, living together by the ocean...and this body....this body feels like Phoenix's body.
I know Roxie is not Phoenix. And...I also know that I have been asking/wishing/praying for the impossible--to feel Phoenix in the physical again, not just the spiritual (though that has been so absent too!). And, so I let the tears of gratitude fall, gratitude and sadness, as I continued to lovingly bathe this sweet Being named Roxie.
Then the next most amazing thing happened: Roxie did something so characteristically Phoenix, I almost passed out. She lifted her one hip up to the side of the tub and sat down! Phoenix used to do this on the couch. He was a compulsive leaner. It was one of those quirks that always made me laugh. And I've never seen nor known another dog to do this. My heart filled with this experience.
So, be they coincidences, synchronicities or signs...for them I am tremendously grateful!! They are wishes granted.
Thank you, Spirit. Thank you, Phoenix. Thank you, Sheba and B/T, K and S for helping to open some gate or channel last night. I know that has made some difference. I do.
Blessings to the Web 1000 fold.
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