Wednesday, June 23, 2010

As Within, So Without...As Above, So Below

Dear Web,
Just wanted to add an addendum to yesterday's long letter regarding this 'catching up with The Wheel.'

I really don't know how any of this "works" actually. And, I am wondering about the interaction between my process and Phoenix's process. I am inclined to believe that my process and his process of piecing ourselves back together is linked. I mean if we are on The Web, then any flutter of change for either one of us is felt through the threads. Does it mean that my shift will create a shift for him and vice versa? Or does it mean that when one of us energetically shifts, that causes a ripple in the other's "environment" (for lack of a better word) and something else can be created. That something else is the wild card, the unknown, perhaps. This is not cause and effect: I don't think that if I heal, he heals. But/And I believe there is a relationship between us that seeks Wholeness. I believe that because that is how we felt together, energetically: Whole.

And I also recognize that it's not just about Phoenix and I. As a deer sister pointed out to me, he was 'of two cultures': he was part wolf and part dog which means he carried much struggle and much history of violence in his body from thousands of years of wolf hatred that still lives on. So, there is that, perhaps, which is also part of the fragmenting that's occurred. That is outside our relationship. And I'd imagine when one's soul has been fragmented, there are lifetimes of healing and mending that are needing to occur. I've promised though to hold the thread for Phoenix as he traverses the ruins. And, perhaps, my shift (aka my sense of 're-emerging' energy) can help facilitate energy for him to do this work. And...perhaps some shift in his process has rippled to create the environment for me to experience a shift in my own energy. It's a's just hard to tell who's turn it is. And maybe it's not like that at all...maybe it's just a constant flow and exchange of mutual energy and certain alchemical mixes change something within, without, above and below. I am learning to trust that.

So, there's a bit of trying to intellectually sort out what MIGHT be happening. I Know something IS happening/has happened with me and The Wheel. And because of my cosmology, I believe that nothing is in isolation. I believe in the power of this Love between Phoenix and I.

So it is,

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