Sunday, May 30, 2010

Going back 8 days

Dear Web,
I went for a hike on my birthday, 8 days before Phoenix was killed. It was a quick hike because I had to be somewhere, but one of the things I wanted for my birthday was a hike with Phoenix since it had been such a harsh cold winter and we didn't have much activity...except for the sled pulling!! That's another wonderful story that I'll get to.

So we hiked along the river for a while until the trail took up switch backs to a rock outcropping. It had been several years since we'd done this hike and I think it was on my birthday then too. It was a pretty typical March day in the mountains--rainy, then a break, then cool, then misty. I didn't mind one bit and Phoenix was so exhilarated to be off leash. As we climbed, my eyes caught site of a rock in the shape of a heart. I slowed down and started to pick it up but talked myself out of it--I have so many found objects that I often lose track of their uniqueness or the situation that made them unique. So, onward and upward we climbed. At the rock outcropping I could see the very full river below and the rolling mountains near and far. I made my birthday wish (which I cannot recall it now) turned to see Phoenix right by my side as usual, smiled at his sweet loyalty and kinship and turned back down the trail.

I'd forgotten about the rock. My mind was already moving on to thinking about how much time we had. Phoenix had this thing he'd do sometimes...I might move something in the house that hadn't been moved in a really long time, something as small as a shell and when he'd return to the room, he'd go right to the object or where the object used to be. Sometimes we made a game out of it. His instincts were incredible. So, even though I'd forgotten about the rock, he hadn't and went right to it as we approached. Because of that, I picked it up and considered it a birthday gift from him.

Needless to say, I will not forget this found object, this heart not to be left behind.

So, dear Web, please weave this heart back into your tapestry as I courageously re-turn to the day after the murder, Phoenix cradled in my arms.

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